- Getting Started
- General Options
- Loggers
- Debuggers
- AjaxHandler
- PreProcessors
- Interceptors
- Validators
- Generators
- Finisher
- Session
- Error Checks
- Templates
- Subparts
- ###TEMPLATE_FORM[1...x]###
- ###TEMPLATE_FORM[1...x][SUFFIX]###
- ###IF_[FIELDNAME]=[value]###
- Subpart Markers
- ###value_[fieldname]###
- ###LLL:[langkey]###
- ###error_[fieldname]###
- ###is_error_[fieldname]###
- ###is_error###
- ###is_success_[fieldname]###
- ###validate_[fieldname]###
- ###REL_URL###
- ###ABS_URL###
- ###submit_nextStep###
- ###submit_nextStep_[suffix]###
- ###submit_prevStep###
- ###submit_prevStep_[suffix]###
- ###submit_reload###
- ###submit_step_[stepnumber]###
- ###FEUSER_[property]###
- ###required_[fieldname]###
- ###requiredMarker_[fieldname]###
- ###CAPTCHA###
- ###ERROR###
- ###[fieldname]_minSize###
- ###[fieldname]_maxSize###
- ###[fieldname]_maxTotalSize###
- ###[fieldname]_currentTotalSize###
- ###[fieldname]_remainingTotalSize###
- ###[fieldname]_allowedTypes###
- ###[fieldname]_maxCount###
- ###[fieldname]_fileCount###
- ###[fieldname]_remainingCount###
- ###[fieldname]_uploadedFiles###
- ###total_uploadedFiles###
- ###selected_[fieldname]_[fieldvalue]###
- ###checked_[fieldname]_[fieldvalue]###
- ###curStep###
- ###maxStep###
- ###lastStep###
- ###step_bar###
- ###formValuesPrefix###
- ###formID###
- ###[action]_LINK###
- ###auth_code###
- ###value_authCodeUrl###
- ###field_[masterkey]_[fieldname]###
- ###validation-status###
- ###embed_[key]###
- Subparts
- Backend Module
Use this to submit the form to the previous step and pass a special suffix. This is useful for multistep forms with different routes as you can use the suffix in conditions.This will be replace with the name attribute of the submit button.
Version added
Example code
<input type”submit” ###submit_prevStep_routeA### value=”###LLL:prev###” /> Will result in <input type”submit” name=”prefix[step-stepnumber-prev][routeA]” value=”###LLL:prev###” /> Example for usage in conditions: 3 { conditions.OR1.AND1 = step-stepnumber-next|routeA isTrue { 1 { templateSuffix = _routeA } } }